

sabato 1 ottobre 2016

Be happy

Also this year we start with an activity taken from the webpage Film English by Kieran Donaghy. This lesson is designed around a beautiful short film which was inspired by Be Happy: A Little Book to Help You Live a Happy Life by Monica Sheehan. Following Kieran’s lesson instructions students speak and write about happiness, and watch a short video. As homework students write a short composition titled: What I do to live a happy life.

Watch the film on Vimeo.

@students: post your composition in commento.

20 commenti:

  1. What I do to be happy

    Anne Frank said:”Whoever is happy will make others happy too”.
    This sentence represents the way I try to be happy.
    I think happiness is not a long-time sensation, but something strong and strange that you feel in particular moments of your life.
    In my opinion, there are different ways of searching for happiness (or, in general, strong feelings) in our daily routine.
    I think starting the day with a smile is a good beginning; in fact, when I go to school or when I arrive in the classroom I try to greet everyone I meet.
    I always try to hide my fears and my problems to other people: I want to seem happy, because in this way other people will not see me sad; they will always see a smile or hear some friendly words.
    If people who are with me are happy, I think I will be happy as well.
    I believe Anne Frank’s aphorism is the key to feel something strong inside of you (maybe peace or joy).
    In conclusion, I think happiness will be one of the main goals in my life and I’m ready to do anything in order to achieve it!

  2. September 2016

    The secret of my happiness

    Every day I try to do little things that make me relaxed and feel good. This is what makes me live a happy life.

    When I wake up I stay in bed for a few minutes to relax and start the day taking the time I need to completely wake up. When I go to school I listen to music. It gets my mind off any problem and it makes me in a good mood. After lunch I always take some times for myself to relax until I take a coffee before I start doing whatever I have to do. I enjoy spend time with my family and my close friends. I love having long, good and interesting conversations with my close friend. I feel better. Sometimes I go to the beach and have long walk, I particularly enjoy it during winter because there's peace and quiet. That's my way to be in contact with nature. It makes me feel relaxed and in peace with myself.

    Happiness is something you achieve when you love and accept yourself for who you are and when you're in peace with the people around you and with the nature.

    -Matilde Caria-

  3. If you want to live a happy life,first of all you should take the little moments as they were the last ones. You should stay near the people you love,because life is short and you never know what could happen. Be optimistic and in peace with yourself: this is the most important thing. If you are in peace with yourself,you feel good with other people,you become kinder and more sensitive. Love your parents,your friends and all those people that make you smile. Do some sport,listen to music,be useful to people who need help. Forget your problems. Live a happy life.

  4. Life is difficult, but I think that we can improve it and live a happy life.

    To live a happy life I spend as much time as possible with my friends and my family. I like to go out and eat pizza, do sports and go to the beach. I also like to stay in bed and read a book or listen to music. It relaxes me. I love doing long walk on the beach too, because it’s nice to break my routine sometimes.

    Something else I do to live a happy life is being positive and focusing on the good side of the things that happen to me. I try not to think about my problems but on find solutions.
    Every day I take time for myself because this brief moment makes me in peace witht myself.
    My dream is to travel all over the world, to discover new places, cultures and languages; this is the thing that would make my life very happy.

  5. In my opinion to live a happy life we must have goals and be able to achieve them. First of all I have to finish school and find a good job. I would like to have so much money that allow me to travel. I would like to travel around the world, visit unknown places and face new adventures, this is my biggest dream. I wish I had a big house near the sea with so many cats. I would be happy surrounded by people that I love. I would like to be successful and achieve all my dreams.


  6. I like to be happy but it is not always possible. There are different things I do to live a happy life.
    The thing I like the most is going out with my friends because they make me feel good. Besides that, I like to watch tv, listen to music, read a book, get up late, go to the gym and go to the beach.
    But I also like to take some time for myself and spend some time by myself. To be happy I should continue studying to have a life that correspond with my interests.
    Be happy is the most important thing.

  7. To live a happy life we have to do what you love it more, always thinking to all of the negative things. To live happy in my case I play football, listening to music and go out with my friends. I think the ideal is to be carefree and happy to be with the people you care about and who care about you. Already this ensures most of our happiness. To be happy I think you have to be self employed, get a job and have a happy family.

  8. I would love to be happy all the time, but it is not always possible. The thing that makes me happier is going to the gym. The gym is the place where I feel relaxed, it is the place where I feel good. It is my favorite sport. There are other things that make me happy: going out with friends, going shopping, listening to music, having a drink with friends, going to the beach on sunny summer days and visiting new places. Sometimes doing what I like is not enough to be happy. If something goes wrong, I become sad. To be happy there are things that I avoid because, otherwise, I would become sad. The things that make me sad and that I try to avoid are: staying at home by myself all day and being isolated when I am out with friends.

  9. Honestly, I do not know what I do to live a happy life, and I do not know what I should do.
    But I know what I do to try to live happily.
    For example, I generally try to set goals and to achieve these.
    Besides I think that the happiness is more easily attainable if in our life we are not alone and then I try to stay with people that I love, I go out with my friends and with my relatives.
    I love animals and I spend my time with my dogs and my horse to take away negative thoughts, in fact I always try to have only positive thoughts.
    I try to love myself and to do not beat myself up. For this I sometimes make time just for myself. Just to relax or to have fun and to stay away from anxiety.
    Sometimes I try also to stay alone to pamper myself or just to chat.
    Finally, I try to do what I love and what I want, and not what others people want.
    Essentially, in these ways I try to lighten up and to do not take life too seriously.

    Martina Floris, 5°D.

  10. What I do to live a happy life

    To live a happy life, we have to do what we love, but also things that we don’t love a lot. For example, I play football, stay with my friends and listening music, and I would work, because with a job I can earn and live independently. But we have to do also many sacrifices, because thanks to them we can aspire to a really happy life.


  11. There are different things that I do to live a happy life. For example I like to be surrounded by my friends and my family, and I try to avoid negative people.
    I always try to achieve my goals, I believe in my self and I am optimistic. I also read books, listen to music and talk with other people.
    We have to live with happiness despite the difficulties. Happiness is a choice.

  12. I do not do anything special to live a happy life. I do all the same things every teen does when he is 18.
    I listen to music every time I can because music makes my days happier and it is the most relaxing thing I like doing when I am alone. I really like going out with my friends because when I am with them I can be myself and I can do much more things that I probably cannot do when I am with my parents. I can talk about everything and I really enjoy my time with my friends. Sometimes I go to parties to live new experiences and to get to know new people. I help my parents keeping the house in a good condition because in this way I can occupy my days with something that is not connected with school. During summer I go to live for about three months at my house in S’Archittu beach. This is probably the thing that makes my life happier because S’Archittu is not too crowded, the people you can get to know there are very pleasant and amusing.

  13. To live a happy life is staying with family and friends all time because staying alone is very sad and this is little comfortable for people.
    In my opinion it’s restful to staying in contact with nature, walks and read a book on the beach after lunch.
    It's also important to leave the fear of failure because failure doesn’t mean be weak.
    Limit television and go out with friends is good for social life, especially for kids.
    Let go the fixation of money.
    Moreover have full control of own life to be independent and face own fears.
    To live a happy life we haven't to take bad decisions in some important situations.

  14. My happy life

    I do various things to live a happy life. I like to keep fit in several ways. I often go to play basketball or soccer with my friends and three days a week I go to the gym, while during summer I often go to the beach to play beach volley, beach tennis and to swim. I love animals and because I have a dog, a parrot, two fishes and i take care of them every day. The night before going to sleep I relax reading a book or watching films with my family.

  15. Happiness:the goal of life

    Life is a path of experiences and goals. I think that we can do many things to make our life happiest. It’s a very great thing to be surrounded by family and friends who are always ready to help and advise. Affection and love are indispensable to live peacefully.Then it’s important to dream in our life and people are very happy when realize own dreams and reach own ambitions and goals. We must address the difficulties of life to be more strong and more positive. In conclusion I think that little things fill your day with happiness.

  16. I think to live a happy life we should do several things. First of all we must take care of ourselves and of our health, so we must moderate our behaviour: running, staying in touch with nature, travelling etc… Another important act we should do is to pursue our passions to achieve the job we've always dreamed of, in order to be in peace with ourselves and, moreover, not working only for the salary but also because we feel pleasure.
    The third most important thing that we need to do is to take care of the relationships with our family members, friends and the other people we get in touch with every day, being helpful and kind with them because in this way we will live better.
    Moreover, one thing we must do is taking time for ourselves and do not always think about our commitments.
    Finally, in order to live a happy life we must try to resolve our problems with positive attitude and do not give them much weight.

  17. September 2016
    Cristian Loreto

    “Happiness, the new lifestyle”

    Happiness isn't the same for all. In my opinion, happiness is a goal. It can be reached in two ways: improving your lifestyle or doing good actions. In my life I always try to follow these points. For example: singing. I'm a singer and the most beautiful thing about being a singer is to convey emotions, in this case I'm talking about happiness.
    Helping each other, having a lot of good friends, are other ways to live a happy life, but I think happiness is important for our family because it has to start from family.
    In my life I’ve always met obstacles. I’ve managed to pass this obstacles through two importants things: believing in myself and believing in my dreams. I think people can live a happy life following a good lifestyle.

  18. As I learned in all these years, to live a happy life you need to take it easy, just don't bother too much about the hundred annoying things that can happen every day, like dumb classmates who are used to scribble on the back of your neck, or on your arms, and many other things. Simply, I believe we all could be happy, if we all respect each other, because we all have to interact, live side by side with other people, even with those we would not like to. For example, when I experience such childish people like I described before, I just remind myself that there's Mantra, and well, sooner or later all of that will come back to them, stronger.

    So, the key to be happy is just accept the world we live in, and try to make it brighter to our eyes, even if it isn't.

  19. To live a happy life I try to do the things that I like. I love cooking, in particular cakes, dancing, singing, painting, watching films.
    Beside that I try to “limit”some aspects of my nature. In fact I am a very anxious person and in some moments I need to free my mind. I have to do things that make happy myself, not other people. That’s why I like to stay alone in my room, listening to music or sleeping.
    In general I need to do what pops into my head in the morning, when I get up, leaving the other things, thinking only about me.


  20. How to: Be Happy

    We need to live our life in the best mood as possibile. Life gives us problems to solve everyday, but we have to face up with them, with the right spirit and with friends, side by side.
    During the day I try to find time for myself, to relax, read books, watch films or leave out with friends. But this is all useless, if in my life aren’t Love and Dreams.
    Without love I feel empty, without dreams I’m Nobody.
    Loving gives wings to life, can mend your soul. Dreaming pushes to never give up.
    I think to be happy we need simply this, Loving and Dreaming, till the end.
